Brooding process of the Day old chicks in the Animal Production poultry Unit
Animal Production as A poultry Unit that is used as a teaching unit for the students
Brooding of chicks is currently ongoing at the poultry unit.
Animal Production as A poultry Unit that is used as a teaching unit for the students
Brooding of chicks is currently ongoing at the poultry unit.
Animal Production as an Hatchery Unit that is used as a teaching unit on the hatching process of the fertile eggs..
After hatching,a day old chick is administered with an intramascular malex Vaccine.
There will be an MSc Proposal presentation tomorrow Wed 19t June 2024 from 10:30 Am- 12:30 Pm online at the link address:
The presenters will be:
1. MIYUNGA, Antoinette Aluoch(PhD in Animal Genetics & Breeding)
Topic: Molecular Identification of Captive African Grey Parrots and Screening for Their Host Pathogens in Kenya.
2. MUSYA, Edward Musyoki(MSc Animal Nutrition and Feed Science)
The Department of Animal Production has Broilers for sale starting from Thursday 4th April, 2024.
Price at Kshs. 250 per Kg Live Weight.
Please arrange to buy some from the poultry unit and carry your own packaging material.
Kindly Contact 0720 728 610 - Mercy Njiiri for more information.
The University of Nairobi 8th edition of the Nairobi Innovation Week 2024. The NIW 2024 will take place on May 8-10, 2024. The theme for Innovation Week is, ' Strengthening the Innovation Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions through the Government-Academia-Industry-Community Linkages for Sustainable Development.'
Innovators who are passionate about innovation and developing ideas to solve society's greatest challenges In preparation for The Nairobi Innovation Week 2024, register to participate in the Faculties-based Hackathons and learn how to innovate!
The goal is to prepare students and staff to be job creators instead of job seekers. The top three winning ideas from each of the Faculties Hackathons will get a chance to participate in the final Nairobi Innovation Week competition in 2024.
Thematic Areas:
Three members of staff from the University of Tennessee visited the department to follow up on the Faculty exchange Programme and possible new collaboration with the University.
There will be an MSc Proposal presentation tomorrow Wed 21st Feb 2024 from 12:30 Pm-2:00 Pm online at the link address:
The presenter will be Semere Teklemichael Haile
Topic: Effects of inclusion of decorticated cowpea in layer chicken diets on laying performance and egg quality
3rd-year Animal Science Major Students on an Experiential Learning at KALRO-Naivasha where they majorly did about pastures. Types of pastures, how to pant and care, harvesting and storage.
1st-year students taking the Nutrition and Dietetics programme visit the Rabbit Breeding and Conservation Centre to learn practically about rabbitry. They demonstrated the good practice oh housing, feeding, cleanliness, and slaughtering of a rabbit.