Animal Nutrition

This is one of the broad thematic areas. It’s taught in both Faculty of Vet Medicine and Faculty of Agriculture to undergraduates and postgraduates students.


1.Equip animal nutritionists with knowledge and skills in nutrition and feed science to enhance sustainable utilization of feed resources and improve animal productivity.

Conferences at chsd8club

Charitè-Universitätsmediizin Berlin (CUB) and University of Nairobi (UoN) exchange program is a 1-month fully sponsored research-based elective. It was pioneered by a student in 2016 with 3 cycles since.

The 2018 recipients were: Becky Wanjiku Njuguna, Brian Bundi Nyamweya, Evans Mutia Mutwiri, Mandela Kibiriti Mwangi, Ruth Kwamboka Nyang'aya and Sandra Obaje Maseno.

The following account is an attempt to summarize our collective experience:

Charitè University and hospital: