Master Of Science In Animal Genetics And Breeding

The contribution of the livestock sector to the national economy and rural livelihood is significant. However, the development of this important sector has not kept pace with the growth of the human population. The envisaged increase in population and improvement in living standards will increase the demand for animal products. To meet the increased demand for these products, it is important that natural resources in livestock production be utilized efficiently and sustainably in the different ecological zones.

Bachelor Of Science Fisheries And Aquaculture Management

Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to food and nutritional security and sustain the livelihoods of many households which are engaged in subsistence or related commercial activities. Despite the increased demand for fish  and fish products for local and export markets, the subsector is threatened by environmental pollution, degradation of wetland ecosystems (including water hyacinth), habitant and biodiversity loss and inadequate feeds and fish fingerlings.