Latest News & Announcements


The Department of Animal Production has Broilers for sale starting Monday 2nd March, 2025.

Price at Kshs. 250 per Kg Live Weight.

Please arrange to buy some from the poultry unit and carry your packaging material. 



Kindly Contact 0720 728 610 - Mercy Njiiri for more information. 

Sale of Chicks

The Department of Animal Production has some improved indigenous chicks of different ages for sale. 

2 weeks old @ 150/-

3 weeks old @ 200/-

4 weeks old @ 250/-

Please arrange to buy some from the Department, Poultry Unit at Upper Kabete Campus.

Kindly come with your carrier. 

Contact person:-Mercy 0720 728 610

Award received at the Nairobi International Trade Fair

Recently, our department participated in the poultry and rabbitry sections at the Nairobi International Trade Fair. In the rabbitry section, we had 14 entries, securing first place in seven entries, second place in three, and third place in four. We won the Kenchic Cup A for the three best layers in the poultry section and the Hellen Burn Corkburn Cup for the three best broilers. Out of 10 entries in poultry, we achieved first place in four entries, second place in three entries, and third place in three entries.