Latest News & Announcements

Veterinary Medicine Students Celebrate 2019 BVM Finalists Dinner

The fifth-year Veterinary students celebrated their 2019 dinner at the Department of Clinical Studies. Such special gatherings are present an invaluable opportunity for students to meet and network with their lecturers and alumni.

International training workshop on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa

The Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, in collaboration with the University of Sydney, will conduct a five-week training course on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa The training will take place at the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi.

Students attend the Emerging Scientist’s Training and Workshop 2019

Two MSc. Students in Range Management, Edwin Maingi and Sylvia Muchiri, both from the department of Land Resource Management and Technology (LARMAT), were among students who attended a 10 day emerging scientist’s workshop in Oloisukut conservancy, Narok County.

Conferences at chsd8club

Charitè-Universitätsmediizin Berlin (CUB) and University of Nairobi (UoN) exchange program is a 1-month fully sponsored research-based elective. It was pioneered by a student in 2016 with 3 cycles since.

The 2018 recipients were: Becky Wanjiku Njuguna, Brian Bundi Nyamweya, Evans Mutia Mutwiri, Mandela Kibiriti Mwangi, Ruth Kwamboka Nyang'aya and Sandra Obaje Maseno.

The following account is an attempt to summarize our collective experience:

Charitè University and hospital:

Cytotoxicity of selected medicinal plants extracts using the brine shrimp lethality assay from Samburu county

This test was carried out to assess the cytotoxicity bioassay of selected medicinal plants from Samburu County, Kenya.Materials and Methods:Selectedmedicinal plants namely Clerodendrum myricoides, (Hoecst) Vatke Carissa eduli(Forsk) vahl, Acassia tortilis(Fossk) Hayne Myrsine africanaL., Rhamnus staddoA.

Infection dynamics of gastrointestinal helminths in sympatric non-human primates, livestock and wild ruminants in Kenya

Gastrointestinal parasites are neglected infections, yet they cause significant burden to animal and human health globally. To date, most studies of gastrointestinal parasites focus on host-parasite systems that involve either a single parasite or a host species. However, when hosts share habitat and resources, they may also cross-transmit generalist gastrointestinal parasites.

Deterministic processes structure bacterial genetic communities across an urban landscape

Land-use change is predicted to act as a driver of zoonotic disease emergence through human exposure to novel microbial diversity, but evidence for the effects of environmental change on microbial communities in vertebrates is lacking.

Biopesticides and Their Role in Sustainable Agricultural Production 

Biopesticides are derivatives of plants, microorganisms and insects. Substances from plants and animals have been used to manage diseases in crops, animals and humans. Reliance on nature to heal nature is a practice for many people around the world. Use of natural products was overtaken by synthetic chemicals due to their efficacy, reliability and quick knockdown effect.