Master Of Science in Livestock Production Systems

The contribution of the livestock sector to the national economy and rural livelihood is significant. However, the development of this important sector has not kept pace with human population. The envisaged increase in population and improvement in living standards will increase the demand for animal products. To meet the increased demand, it is important that natural resources in livestock production be utilized efficiently and sustainably in the different ecological zones.

Karima Girls High School on Educational tour to the Department

Today 26th of April 2023 The Department had the privilege to host students from Karima Girls High School who had visited for educational purposes. The students learned both theory and practicals in the following areas:-            1. Animal feed and feed formulation

                       2. Analysis of animal feeds

                       3. Poultry Keeping 

                       4. Rabbitry 


It's almost the end of the semester when students are tested on what they have learned during the lecturer session. This is Year 3 BSc. Agriculture (Animal Major students) taking their examination today.