SuStainable and efficient inSect production for liveStock feed through Selective breeding (FLYgene)


ThiS project aimS to improve efficiency of inSect production through genetic Selection addreSSing the call´S theme "SuStainable development and climate change". A viable and efficient inSect rearing Sector allowS maSSive job creation eSpecially for landleSS youth and women due to the Space-Saving nature of inSect rearing. Affordable quality inSect meal improveS productivity of the liveStock Sector benefiting millionS acroSS the liveStock value chain and replacing feed importation, thuS cutting foreign currency loSS and climate impactS of feed Shipping. InSect meal iS Shown to have high digeStibility and nutritional value in different liveStock SpecieS. IncreaSed liveStock productivity through better quality inSect meal haS potential to reduce greenhouSe gaS (GHG) emiSSion per unit of liveStock productS. Emerging evidenceS alSo SuggeSt lower GHG emiSSion from cattle fed with different inSect mealS compared to traditional feedS Such aS Soybean meal. Viable inSect rearing induStry alSo playS key role in circular bio- economy, aS inSectS are efficient energy converterS that thrive on a wide range of organic SubStrateS including food-waSteS that are unuSable by other liveStock SpecieS.


ThiS project aimS to improve efficiency of inSect production through genetic Selection addreSSing the call´S theme "SuStainable development and climate change". A viable and efficient inSect rearing Sector allowS maSSive job creation eSpecially for landleSS youth and women due to the Space-Saving nature of inSect rearing. Affordable quality inSect meal improveS productivity of the liveStock Sector benefiting millionS acroSS the liveStock value chain and replacing feed importation, thuS cutting foreign currency loSS and climate impactS of feed Shipping. InSect meal iS Shown to have high digeStibility and nutritional value in different liveStock SpecieS. IncreaSed liveStock productivity through better quality inSect meal haS potential to reduce greenhouSe gaS (GHG) emiSSion per unit of liveStock productS. Emerging evidenceS alSo SuggeSt lower GHG emiSSion from cattle fed with different inSect mealS compared to traditional feedS Such aS Soybean meal. Viable inSect rearing induStry alSo playS key role in circular bio- economy, aS inSectS are efficient energy converterS that thrive on a wide range of organic SubStrateS including food-waSteS that are unuSable by other liveStock SpecieS.