University of Nairobi

Check the 16th Edition of weekely online varsity newsletter for the University of Nairobi

UoN enters into Kshs. 140M partnership to scale Adaptation.

The University of Nairobi signed an agreement with Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) to scale adaptation efforts in Africa through a project titled, "Enhancing and scaling up climate adaptation for resilient infrastructure in Kenya and the East African region”. The agreement is worth Kshs. 140M will see the University deliver a master class on Climate change and conduct innovative climate change solutions competition among the youth. 

Check the 15th Edition of weekely online varsity newsletter for the University of Nairobi

UoN Foundation Officially Launched
The University of Nairobi officially launched the University of Nairobi Foundation on Thursday, 30th June 2022 at 5:30 PM at the Great Court. The Foundation is part of the reform agenda the University is implementing aimed at transforming the University into a vibrant, relevant and sustainable University. 

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