JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! for UoN Graduates and Students - Taifa Hall - 19 & 20 May 2022 - 9.00am

Job fair 2022

Over 22 Chinese Companies working in Kenya are looking for over 120 people to hire by June 2022. 

Students and graduating students are requested to come with copies of CV during the JOB FAIR 2022.


For students in Kenya Science, KNH, Kikuyu, Upper Kabete, Lower Kabete and Parklands Campus, six (6) buses have been dispatched to various campuses for those students not doing exams. Boarding time is 8.00am for the two days. Chiromo, ADD, Engineering and Main Campus to walk to the venue. Governors of various campuses to liaise with the Assistant Deans of Students in respective campuses.


All are welcome. Remember to carry copies of CVs to drop with the recruiting companies.