Call for papers on the theme Pathways to African Feminism and Development the Journal of the African Women Studies Centre (AWSC), University of Nairobi, Kenya submission to be done by 31th July 2021

Call for papers on the  theme Pathways to African Feminism and Development the Journal of the African Women Studies Centre (AWSC),  University of Nairobi, Kenya submission to be done  by 31th  July 2021

Call for Papers

Pathways to African Feminism and Development 

the Journal of the African Women Studies Centre (AWSC),

University of Nairobi, Kenya


Original articles are invited for Volume 6 (special) issue No 1 of Pathways to African Feminism and Development on the theme: Women Economic Empowerment: Theories and Practice. The theme allows for a wide range of research or literature reviews on:


1.     The impact of affirmative action funds in promoting women’s entrepreneurship

2.     Economic Stimulus Packages and Social Protection safety nets during the Covid 19 pandemic and their implications for WEE

3.     National Budgets Policy Statements and their implication on sectors that support child care and women’s work

4.     Assessing what works for WEE in policy advocacy and strengthening women’s self-mobilization for WEE

5.     Analysis of strategies that women’s movement used to strengthen self-mobilization for policy advocacy for WEE and learning from paste experiences

6.     Feminist Perspectives on Economic Development

7.     Women Economic Empowerment Indicators

8.     Translating theories into practice in the field

9.     Lessons learnt from practical experiences enriching the theoretical perspectives

10.  Policy Advocacy Strategies to influence policies and programs and promote WEE: challenges and opportunities

Case Studies should be based on real-life situations and highlight decisions taken that can be replicated in other similar situations.

Book Review corner: Book Reviews on recently published books on Women Economic Empowerment are welcome.

Author’s Guidelines

Author’s name; Institution of Affiliation; Email address; Current Tel. number.

An article should not exceed six thousand words; Times New Roman, Font 12. Spacing 1.5

Paper Structure

Title of the paper

Abstract of 250 words

Keywords below the abstract in alphabetical and separated by commas.

Introduction: background and purpose of the paper.

Body: Clearly discuss major message of your paper with clear line of thought, justification, problem statement and methodology (the approach you used to collect data for your paper); discussion and presentation of your findings, recommendations and conclusion.

Clarity and Consistency: Please check your manuscript for headings and sub-headings; clarity of expression, repetition, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency of references to minimize editorial changes.

References (mandatory)

Appendices (Optional)