Dear University Community,




Volume 1 Issue 2 is NOW Published. Please visit the site for more information.

SUBMIT YOUR POLICY BRIEFS for the September 2020 and January 2021




The Office of RIE created the Research and Innovation Blog, https://uonresearch.org/blog/. All articles should be sent as a Word Document to madaragot@uonbi.ac.ke copied to dvcrie@uonbi.ac.ke. All images should be embedded in the document AND also sent as separate attachments. NOTE THAT BLOG CONTRIBUTIONS ARE REQUESTED FROM UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY ONLY. 


Blogs added this week:


1. Puzzle of Africa’s Low COVID-19 Cases https://uonresearch.org/blog/puzzle-of-africas-low-covid-19-cases/

2. COVID-19: Was it Wise to Open the Kenyan Economy? https://uonresearch.org/blog/covid-19-was-it-wise-to-open-the-kenyan-economy/




Research Week 2020 is going virtual. Dates are the same, only 14 days left to submit abstracts for all conferences. Visit https://uonresearch.org/researchweek2020 for more details.  Follow us on twitter @RPEUoN for regular updates.



Several of our researchers have been successful in winning research grants. You can read up on recent grants awarded below:

  1. New Project to Enhance Ground-Level Health Worker Capacity to Plan and Respond to COVID-19 among Vulnerable Populations
  2. Understanding Guineafowl-fish-Arrowroot integrated farming for improved Food Security and Nutrition in Kenya
  3. From Waste Bottle to Effective Health Care: Manufacturing Low Cost Microscopes for the Tele-Microscopy Diagnosis


 Newly added funding opportunities. Categories are:


1. Research and Innovation Grants

2. Research Infrastructure Grants

3. Awards and Prizes

4. Fellowships and Scholarships

5. Consultancies

6. Student and Staff Mobility

7. Sponsored Training

8. Travel Grants


1. Research and Innovation Grants


Research/Innovation Grants - Call for Research Proposals (papers): Preventing social conflict and promoting social cohesion in forced displacement contexts

Location: United States

Company: World Bank

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/call-for-research-proposals-papers-preventing-social-conflict-and-promoting-social-cohesion-in-forced-displacement-contexts/


Research/Innovation Grants - Africa Ecology Research Grants

Location: United Kingdom

Company: British Ecological Society

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/ecology-research-grants/


Research/Innovation Grants - Emergency Awards: Rapid Investigation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Location: United States

Company: National Institutes of Health

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/emergency-awards-rapid-investigation-of-severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-coronavirus-2-sars-cov-2-and-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-r21-clinical-trial-not-allowed/


ARUA Center of Excellence for Non-Communicable Diseases - Mini-Grants 2020-2021


UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Global Challenges Research Fund has awarded the University of Nairobi on behalf of the ARUA Center of Excellence for Non-Communicable Diseases (ACE-NCD) a capacity building grant. Part of the funds is to provide mini-grants in support of scoping studies and pilot studies that lead to strengthening research collaboration among researchers in the ACE-NCD universities, and strengthen proposals submitted by ACE-NCD teams to conduct cutting-edge research that addresses one of the thematic areas listed below. Under this call activities must be undertaken and funds must be spent before March 31, 2021.


ACE NCD Universities are the Makerere University, University of Ghana, University of Ibadan, University of Nairobi, and University of the Witwatersrand.


Example activities include focused research workshops to develop sustainable strategies and partnerships for future activities, with clearly identified outcomes; preliminary data collection, analysis or research-focused proof of concept.


It is expected that the outcomes of mini-grant activities will inform more substantive funded research into and impact on addressing NCDs in Africa., https://uonresearch.org/acencdminigrant/


2. Research Infrastructure

 None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.


3. Awards and Prizes


Awards/Prizes - The Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation

Location: United Kingdom

Company: Royal Academy of Engiineering

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/the-africa-prize-for-engineering-innovation/


4. Fellowships and Scholarships

None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.


5. Consultancies


Consultancies - A Study of the Regional Economic Communities of EAC, SADC and ECOWAS

Location: Sweden

Company: Dakonia

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/a-study-of-the-regional-economic-communities-of-eac-sadc-and-ecowas/


Consultancies - Impact Evaluation of the Water Efficient Maize for Africa Project

Location: Kenya

Company: AATF

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/impact-evaluation-of-the-water-efficient-maize-for-africa-project/


Consultancies - Situational Analysis for the Baringo Resilience Project

Location: United Kingdom

Company: Self-Help Africa

View Details: https://academia-ke.org/grant/situational-analysis-for-the-baringo-resilience-project/


6. Global Development Awards

 None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.


7. Student and Staff Mobility

 None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.


8. Sponsored Training

 None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.


9. Travel Grants

None added in the past week, but review those available on the portal.