Webinar Announcement - PhD & MSc Proposal Presentation

June 19, 10:30 am

There will be an MSc Proposal presentation tomorrow Wed 19t June 2024 from 10:30 Am- 12:30 Pm online at the link address: meet.google.com/nqv-kbda-eyw

The presenters will be:

1. MIYUNGA, Antoinette Aluoch(PhD in Animal Genetics & Breeding)

Topic: Molecular Identification of Captive African Grey Parrots and Screening for Their Host Pathogens in Kenya.

2. MUSYA, Edward Musyoki(MSc Animal Nutrition and Feed Science)

Topic: Utilization And Quality of Prosopis Juliflora Pods In Merti Sub County, Isiolo County.

3. DENNIS, Nyakundi Kamsingi(MSc in Animal Genetics & Breeding)

 Topic: Assessment Of Gut Microbiota Using 16S rRNA Metagenomics in Broiler Chicken Fed on Guava By-Products.

Event contact information

Office of the Chairman 

Department of Animal Production
P. O. Box 29053 - 00625
Tell 020 4916024
Email: aniprod@uonbi.ac.ke